Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wannabe Writer!

I want to be a writer. If not anything else this blog has made a couple of laughs possible!
Call it the P.G.Wodehouse' effect on me (I read lots of them these days. And while I am laughing to my hearts content, all by myself and P.G.Wodehouse; folks around me try to call up NIMH!)
I reason I am better off than P.G. in one very important aspect. After all he had to create this fictional Bertie, while I can write about myself!


  1. Ladies and gentelmans (pronounce as written!),

    I present to you the only person in this whole wide world who is proud of her clumsiness and pleased with her dumbass status.

    Honey, did I say that I love you.. And am LMAO thinking abt your antics!

  2. I am sure u are better than P.G.... Good that u are helping people laugh.... I appreciate this effort....

  3. I am sure you are better than P.G.... I am happy u are making people laugh and that too when its needed the most....
