Thursday, June 28, 2007

Its Official.....

Finally the day has dawned.. The day I have been so very afraid of! Its official guys. I am bankrupt!
All that I have is seventy bucks. And I owe a colleague fifty bucks. And I would be left with twenty bucks! And am leaving for Hyderabad tonight. Thankfully the tickts are booked!! Bangalore to Hyderabad, with twenty bucks....
But still guys it might not be that bad. What if the naxalites tartget the bus I am travelling. I would have the last laugh! They might even take pity on me and share the booty with me!!
What a day it was.. I walk down to the bus stop , catch a van, travel for a few minutes; only to realise I dont have my wallet and my mobile when the ticket issuing chappie comes. I tell him I dont hv my mobile, need to get down - walk all way back home, get my stuff, trek back to the bus stop (which is ten minute walk from my house - couldnt afford an auto you see ;) and catch a BMTC bus... And am late to office.
And I walk into the training room half an hour late and all eyes are on ME!
And during the break I want to impress one of my seniors (thankfully he aint my supervisor) with my Kannada and tell him "Yenn Magaa". And he just gives me creepy look that seems to say "Are you nuts or what".
Well supposedly Yenn Magaa aint the language good girls speak in. Its Tapori Language!!!
Bhargav, Pavan , RK , Sunil... Wait till I meet you next!!!


  1. Tch... Tch... Cho Sad!!!

    I'd have helped u if u called...

    And BTW, Yaen Magaa translates to Yenna Machi in Tamil.

    ROTFL!!! To see that u used it on ur trainer!!!


  2. I know! Why does it alwways have to be me!!

  3. I wish I were there dear.... I wish I could capture that guys expression and your expression at that time....

    hehehehe u can never change.... "goofy queen"....

  4. Welcome Siri!And start blogging!You sure missed tht gurl!! Dont worry lady. Come to Bangalore sometime. Ll try it on somebody just for you. Better, ll try it on Adithya!!
