Thursday, July 19, 2007

Why always Me?

Its two thirty. Post lunch I can hardly keep my eyes open. There is a whole lot of activity going on around me - a project is going live soon and deadlines have to be met. I have no such worries. I close my eyes and shake my hips to Shakira's Whenever Wherever; imaginarily ofcourse. Life can be so very good to you at times.
And that is when I see my project manager walking towards me. I immediately minimise the media player, take of my headphones and place them on the table. He is here to introduce me to two other "gentlemen" (his very words) of our team. And that is when I realise the song is still playing and is audible!
Oh Oh! I yank off the headphones from the system even while giving the three gentlemen what I think is a "polite" smile. And horror of horrors the whole floor can now hear Shakira.
Now why does this always have to happen with ME!! While I wouldnt trade my life for all the gold and books in the world, why cant somebody else get lucky for a change? Why always ME??
On second thoughts I ought to rename this blog as Goofball Princess' diaries.


  1. I agree u have to rename this blog....I really dont understand y this happens to u alone.... I know only lucky people can get luckier dear.... So I am sure u will keep getting luckier like this....

    Wish u all the best....



    oops..haha..wait.. lemme try to comment.. haha..uff..later.hha

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  4. @ People
    This is mean! I was a kid when "that" happened! And dint u guys pinch or hit back, back then?

  5. ROTFL!!!

    Oh, man.. I can see the rxn on your face! The expression would have been one in a million!

  6. To Everyone
    I have cruel friends!

  7. Alas! Now the whole floor would hav realised that u hav such a bad taste! :P

  8. That was great dear!! My sympathies!! I can perfectly understand how it should've been!!!

    Ok, now that I tried being Ms. nicey, can I laugh? He he.. :D
