Tuesday, January 08, 2019

My real life pensieve

This blog is my real life pensieve (full disclosure: I am something of a Harry Potter aficionado. I shall try and keep the nerdiness in control).

Over the last twenty four hours, I have read and re-read every single blogpost and comment. And re-lived the last decade or so. A lot of firsts there. My first job. My first salary. My first work related travel. Some poetry. A few I-can’t-believe-I-still-do-that moments.
And before this starts to look like the final episode of an etched out drama from the Balaji Telefilm stables, with a re-hash of all happy ocassions and joyous moments, I will move on.

I think this blog has become an e-journal of sorts - me posting random junk from everyday life and my friends Apar, Swe, Siri, Shuba, Sriram and Ramya providing a running commentary on how it is to be me. Man, I was funny. A little juvenile too. And spelling challenged sometimes. And, do I know how to crib.
In a lot of ways I am still the same person, except for the extra pounds I have added to my frame. A little bit goofy, a little bit funny. A tad sentimental.
I know all this sounds like a speech you give after you have won a lifetime achievement award. Thirteen years does seem like one though!

So basically what I meant to say was - this blast from the past has been fun. And is motivation enough to blog and then some more.

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