Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flash Back

Some two years and a couple of months back, I was in Bombay.One night, dinner with two girls from work and big time bonding over food, fashion and work. The conversation steered toward 'problems in our lives' (for some reason!). And my friends took turns to elucidate one by one, the problems in their lives - the list just didn't seem to end. After what seemed like eternity, they looked back at me - I hadn't opened my mouth. I mean, not that I didn't have any problems but I was happy. Hey wait,I really didn't have any problems. And I said so.

Fast Forward

I do not think I can say that now - the No problems thing. Atleast not without battling an eyelid. And then it wouldn't really mean anything, would it?


  1. Face the Sun, so that you shall not see your Shadow.
    Be happy.. :o)

  2. When the only tool you have is a hammer, everythign looks like a nail. And thats the problem with all the problems we have.. Enjoy life..

  3. Loved the 2nd comment. Maybe you need to get things in perspective, girl. What happened 2 years ago was not that u didn't have problems, but maybe they felt trivial or just not so big as the others' problems so u might have decided not to share your problems.
    Do something similar now too. Look around, and you'll see people facing many more difficulties and smiling thru them. You'll again start feeling that your problems are nothing! :)

  4. Pradeep and Mr.(Ms) Clipped in

    Welcome to my blog and thank you for your comments.


    I did like to think I was absolutely happy back then. And I do not like the idea of looking around for consolance either - that makes me look like a looser. I guess I want my life back to being as uncomplicated as before thats all..
