Monday, November 26, 2007

My MP3 Player!

I have bought an MP3 player. Finally....
Lots of people have been asking me to do so. My parents, my sister, my friends. Infact people cant understand how I can go without one.
You see people think I am this big music freak. And I think freak is just not the right word.. ME!!
Music has quite an effect on me. Each note, each high and low note will make me go that way. Soulfull music can stir in me thoughts and feelings of another world. Now dont ask me what that is supposed to mean...And peppy music can really pep me up.
All through out the night I did play music in the hostel. I had too. The silence within the four walls comforted me as good as it frightened me. It felt nice to be within my own room. It was somewhere where I could just be me and with me.And it was frightening 'cos I was supposed to feel lonely being alone and I wasnt. Was I some psychopath in the making? Was I gonna kill my clustermates in their beds? Was I turning crazy?
And music somehow was the solution.
I had always been music crazy before, I only got more crazier. I played music all day long and all night long.I did play Pyaar Tune Kya Kiyaa early into the morning. And the eerie music sounds great in the early hours of the morning than any other time. Maithrim Bhajatha and other classical songs became my cluster mates morning wake up call. Every now and then one of my clustermates did make a passing mention of how she got up at three in the morning, only to hear Mysterious Girl or Forever and For Always. And I did never react. Everyone is entitled to a couple of eccentrities and so am I! Okay.. More than just a couple....
And so... People never really understood why I gave up this idiosyncracy of mine when I joined work. Not entirely though....I did still borrow my colleague's headphones when it became too noisy around me. And at home I borrowed my uncle's mobile phone to listen to the radio.
And now this new MP3 player of mine with FM tuning.
I can now go gaga ga over music all day long to my heart's and ears' content!!


  1. HI! Glad to visit your blog again...

    So tell me, how is life?

  2. I never thought music would be injurious to health till I read this fact :The bacteria level in your ears increases by 700 per cent if you wear headphones/ earphones for a period of one hour.I am a monomaniac when it comes to music. I play the same song again and again till the song gets rotted :)
