Okay. I don’t need to tell you how much of a bad year last year has been. I am not even going there now. Well at least trying not to. Note to self – whenever you think you are going through a bad phase, remind yourself about 2010. That should make you feel better!
I put up with a lot of things from a lot of people that I didn’t have to – I don’t know why again. Note to self – Stop being so vulnerable. Everybody has an agenda. And making you happy is not on it. And stop listening to people who don’t make you feel good about yourself. You owe it to yourself. And yes, relationships will sour. People will stop being what they were or what you thought they were. You cannot hold yourself to something that probably was only a delusion and hope for the best. Sometimes, its perfectly normal not to see something good in everybody and every situation. And when you do, don’t make excuses for them just to make yourself better. Things are bad and they can only turn better if you accept that they are bad in the first place. And if something makes you uncomfortable, throw a fit! You are a princess and you deserve to be treated like one!
Quite a big note, aint it? How ever cynical all of this sounds, I think I needed this seemingly harsh reality check to bring me out of my “I-look-at-my-perfect-world-with-rosy-glasses” delusion. And I think my readers (if I have managed not to chase them all away with such a gloomy blog!) deserve to know this – no nursing of the broken heart or sort of deal. Just that sometimes a move to a foreign country with bad weather, no friends, really bad flat-mates, unpleasant acquaintances, indifferent colleagues, no support system makes your life less pleasant and more dreary. But now that it is summer, it is all well. And it is also helped from the fact that I have changed residence and put all of this behind me.
Wish me luck guys, I still hope to publish that book. And travel around the world. And buy my beach house. And meet my Prince Charming. (Though not necessarily in that order, not if my mom would have it :) ).
And while life looks all sugary, I am going to take it with a pinch of salt.