Tuesday, January 08, 2019

My real life pensieve

This blog is my real life pensieve (full disclosure: I am something of a Harry Potter aficionado. I shall try and keep the nerdiness in control).

Over the last twenty four hours, I have read and re-read every single blogpost and comment. And re-lived the last decade or so. A lot of firsts there. My first job. My first salary. My first work related travel. Some poetry. A few I-can’t-believe-I-still-do-that moments.
And before this starts to look like the final episode of an etched out drama from the Balaji Telefilm stables, with a re-hash of all happy ocassions and joyous moments, I will move on.

I think this blog has become an e-journal of sorts - me posting random junk from everyday life and my friends Apar, Swe, Siri, Shuba, Sriram and Ramya providing a running commentary on how it is to be me. Man, I was funny. A little juvenile too. And spelling challenged sometimes. And, do I know how to crib.
In a lot of ways I am still the same person, except for the extra pounds I have added to my frame. A little bit goofy, a little bit funny. A tad sentimental.
I know all this sounds like a speech you give after you have won a lifetime achievement award. Thirteen years does seem like one though!

So basically what I meant to say was - this blast from the past has been fun. And is motivation enough to blog and then some more.

Monday, January 07, 2019

And I am back!

I am back. After two years.
And this is my hundredth post by the way. Drum roll please.

Hundred posts in thirteen years. 11 years of gainful employment. 2 employers. 5 continents. Numerous holidays including Appa Amma’s first visit to the US last year (yes. That is a milestone in itself. You do not know my parents!). A hazaar reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Burn Notice ( I am obsessed with that show - it’s the idiot box equivalent of my literary obsession with the Sherlock Holmes collection.) Numerous endeavors to move away from those dangly earrings (all attempts to nail the whole “adult” thing)and every single one of them unsuccessful. What a pity that there are no replacement patches for this craving for aural embellishments . The struggle is real.

So is the struggle for finding something novel and interesting to write about - equal parts everyday drama and quirky humor. (Did we just get this blog’s theme right?!)

I promise to blog this year. Consistently. And did I say Happy New Year!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Sound of Silence

Is it silent for the want of anything interesting
and Me giving up, in dreary tedium?

Or things becoming overwhelmingly interesting
that I had to give myself an e-break to soak-in.

Maybe I am too wrapped up in myself to notice a thing
that's the worst - the unfeeling feeling!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Prize Catch

I saw him,
Clearly through the haze.
A smile on his parched lips,
Sweat dripping off his eyebrow,
A shroud adorning his broad shoulder.

I fell in love with him there
And sought him as he sped away in his boat.
I swam the deep waters,
Staying close to him.

Aching to catch another sight of him,
Another whiff of him.
Did I hallucinate or did he really see me?
My heart skipped a beat
As he came across, to have a look.

I moved towards him,
I was in a daze, goose-bumps all over me.
He bent down and a wave of doubts plagued me.
Did he not desire me?
Was there someone else waiting for him?
And then, he came up.
That half minute was the longest thirty seconds of my life.

He threw his cloak towards me,
It engulfed me and I was beyond all worldly happiness.
A lover’s first gift to his lady.
And then he drew me towards him.
And I swam eagerly,
Not wanting to delay the moment when we would first meet
And he would take me in his arms.

He pulled me out of water impatiently,
The wait being intolerably long for both us.
I thought I would die before he would lay his hands on me,
But I didn’t.
The first touch was brief and I died a hundred times.
And then, he tossed me over to the side.
The prize catch, he called me.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Photos from the Kangaroo Island Trip

This is not a photo blog, but lets make it a one time exception...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Just a thought - how awesome would it be to go off on your own on a three week holiday? And also, scary.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Does never mean never ever or not right now or the near future that you can forsee?